T-FUEL is a unique 3 formula system designed to encourage the body to make and regulate its own hormones. Our bodies can be self-healing if the right ingredients are present; it also helps if we present those ingredients with a set of instructions on their use. T-FUEL is that set of instructions.
Why would our body need instructions to do what it already knows? Over time our 'source code' becomes corrupted and our systems lose their way. Disease, stress, environmental toxins and physical damage all break down the original blueprint, until it ends up being far from what we started with.
As we age, and new cells are made, we don't make them based on the original coding; instead we replicate the current cell which is encoded with the (noted) conditions and damages. This is what we call aging. If instead we always made cells only from the original blueprint (which matured in our 20's) we would never age beyond that. What would that be like?

Low T Dangers
The negative effects of low testosterone levels are many and best not ignored...

Estrogenic Foods to Avoid
This is a list of basic foods and substances for men to avoid if they wish to keep their testosterone levels high. What the below food stuffs do is mimic estrogen...

How Testosterone Makes the Man
Both men and women produce testosterone in their bodies, men produce about 10 times more than women and this is how...
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common misspellings: testerone, testostrone, testosteron